Sunday, October 17, 2010

Track of the Day

Underworld : Always Loved A Film
* Can you feel it? Heaven !

SIDE NOTE : When it's all about the music....
House: it's all about the music !!!
Ever notice how most DJ's, producers & promoters in the industry are men ??? It is no secret that the electronic dance music industry is male dominated! As a female party princess actually in love with house music, I enjoy interacting with people who have the same passion, with the DJs that spin the music & with the producers who make it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that most people that I interact with in the scene are MEN. I will be the first to admit that yes I do get excited when I meet or talk to a DJ/producer whose music I like :) And, I do try to network as much as possible! But regardless of who they are & what gender they happen to be, I love talking to different people about their various passions / interests / loves because you can see the sparkle in their eyes, hear the excitement in their voices & most times, learn something new. Everyone has a story!

When I go out to a club, it is first and foremost to hear the music and dance amongst my friends! The last thing I am concerned about is “picking up” a guy, or better yet, hooking up with the DJ ! I am a young single female, so I do notice when there is an attractive guy around…But this certainly doesn’t mean that I am trying to get with all the guys that I am simply talking to…shocking revelation, I know! Next time you see me talking to the DJ, relax & dont jump to conclusions please. Guys and girls can just be friends!


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