Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interview: Jimmy Strip

Fresh off his birthday party at Buddha bar & Sunrise afterhours in Ottawa, Jimmy Strip will be closing for MARK KNIGHT at the Circus afterhours Main Room in Montreal on Friday October 22nd ! That's right ladies & gentleman, Jimmy Strip & Danny Salvaje will be closing for one of the best international DJs on the circuit right now. AND, The Life of the Party has an exclusive interview with Jimmy before this big event ...
Circus Flyer
DJ Name: Jimmy Strip
Birthday: October 13, 1980         Sign: Libra
Occupation: Artist, Tattoo Artist, DJ
Current City: Ottawa, Ont

Favorite animal? Monkey
Fav food? Steak
Fav drink? Jack 7UP

What was your first big party? Bal en Blanc in Montreal at the Olympic Stadium in 1998 with a lot of friends from Montreal. I think Misstress Barbara was spinning at the party... But at the time the song Musik by Express was huge & I remember that track playing at the party, and trying to find it for months after; it was definitely a turning point.

What was your best party memory? Three years ago at Redlite with Sultan, Ned Shepherd, Caesar Bass Romero & Mark Anthony - some of the best music I have ever heard at a party. After leaving that party, I really wanted to explore DJing

Then what happened? I started researching music to find a style and to build my library. I really wanted to have that figured out first since technique could be learned and come more easily.

Describe your style:  Everything that is good ! I dont want to put limitations on what I do and dont spin, but I look for quality, good base lines, melodies, vocals, basically flow. I dont like anything too aggressive, or those whistles and bells that get annoying. So I would describe it as progressive, tech-house, with blends of tribal.

Where do you want to take your DJ career? As far as I can possibly go with this, while getting the most amount of people dancing and having a good time. 

Have you set any goals for yourself? Yes, I would love to start playing in Toronto, across Canada and even play in the USA.  I would really like to start producing too.
Long terms goals? To play in major clubs in Ibiza, Miami, NYC, and at the major music festivals such as WMC in Miami and BPM in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Who taught you how to spin? No one person taught me, I watched and was guided by quite a few people actually, such as Andree L, Davy Pacheco, Dr. Phil, Caesar Bass Romero, etc. I picked up a few small things from different people and put it together myself.
[As a side note, Jimmy is helping me learn how to DJ, and he is a great teacher!]

Did you have a previous musical background? Nope, none. My background is actually in competitive break dancing. I did it for 8 years and made it to the Canadian championships.  Actually my love of dancing has helped me to DJ because it helps me follow the beats and feel the music.

What was the best piece of advice you have been given in respect to DJing? Keep you headphones on ! by Andree L

What would be the one piece of advice you would give someone new trying to get into the industry? Do it for your passion of the music, and not in hopes to gain popularity ! You have to do it for the right reasons.

And I couldnt agree more Jimmy - well said. So that wraps up our interview with Jimmy Strip - please remember to go see him and Danny Salvaje close Circus afterhours for Mark Knight on Friday October 22nd.  I know I'll be there ! And we know it's a big deal if Im going to Circus...hehehe aw
Tickets for Friday's event are only $20 ! and are available through King Louis at 514-497-5464 and online on

If you cant make Friday's event, I urge you to go see Jimmy live SOON! He provides uplifting energy in his will not want to miss one minute, not even to go to the bathroom.  Jimmy can be found playing at Buddha Bar, BPM afterhours, BeachClub - clubs in Ottawa & Montreal.
Jimmy & I at Buddha Bar
* If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, I would personally recommend Jimmy. He did my tattoo on my inner ankle, and I was really pleased with the results. You can see his work on Facebook by searching for "Jimmy Strip". 

Jimmy Strip Facebook Fan page & Twitter page

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